The Best Places to Travel in Europe in December: A Winter Wonderland Slide in 2024

Best Places to Travel in Europe in December

Unfortunately, with the schooling season fast ending, Europe turns into a rather special holiday destination, where winter sets in, drenching the place in its magic. December is a great time to go to the continent, as there are holiday markets, snowy sights, and everything related to comfort and taste. As you read this article, you will be enlightened on the major attractions and best places to travel in Europe in December.

The Charm of the Alps in Winter

Talking about the best destinations that one should consider visiting in Europe during December, the Alps should be an option to think about. This royal chain of mountains stretching across several nations presents numerous opportunities for winter sports lovers and nature lovers.

Zermatt, Switzerland

Zermatt, a beautiful retreat at the foundation of the strong Matterhorn, is a vehicle-free town with many classes. Taking part in skiing, snowboarding, and different sorts of winter travel in space is conceivable. Just leave with an attempt at Swiss fondue or raclette, joined by a lovely perspective on the mountains.

Chamonix, France

Another wonderful objective among the best places to go in Europe in December is Chamonix. This grand town in the French Alps is popular for its skis and astounding perspective on Mont Blanc. After dinner, crush your spirit with a tartiflette: potatoes, reblochon cheddar, and bacon. 

Festive Cities Aglow

One cannot talk about December trips to Europe without forgetting the cities; they brighten up and become beautiful vacation spots. The lights, such as houses, trees, and stars, seen in most places, balanced with Christmas entertainment and markets, bring about a feeling of amusement.

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague is a real fairy tale city in December. The Old Town Square has one of the most popular European Christmas markets, featuring a giant Christmas tree, trdelník, a sweet pastry, and svařák, a mulled wine.

Nuremberg, Germany

Germany professes to have probably the best Christmas markets on the planet, and Nuremberg’s Christkindlesmarkt is quite possibly one of the most established. While in the bistros and cafés, one can appreciate Nuremberg hotdogs and lebkuchen, which is privately delivered gingerbread, alongside the adornments. 

Winter Sun Destinations

For those looking for relatively warmer destinations among the best places to travel in Europe in December, the southern areas of the continent maintain the holiday’s atmosphere while not freezing.

Seville, Spain

It is an Andalusian city that receives a lot of sunshine and has moderate temperatures even in December. Stroll the beauty of Plaza de España, marvel at the beauty of Alcázar, and refuel with a delicious chilled soup of Gazpacho or the cinnamon-dusted fried dough Churros Con Chocolate.


This small Mediterranean island nation may not frequently feature on travelers’ recommendation lists but should do so, especially where the best places to travel in Europe in December are concerned. Although it hardly snows with an average temperature that does not go below 15°C (59°F), one can tour the outdoor attractions and historical landmarks without encountering the summer rush. But the locals suggest tasting Maltese cuisine that consists of stuffat tal-fenek (rabbit stew) or pastizzi (a kind of homemade pastry).

Northern Lights and Arctic Adventures is a public organization founded in 1997. It practically implements KABLAM’s ideas for expeditions and ecotourism in the Arctic regions, with a focus on Canadian territories.

North is the place for extraordinary winter attractions such as the magnificent Aurora Borealis and various activities in the Arctic regions.

Tromsø, Norway

Tromsø is quite far north of the Arctic Circle, so visitors can pursue the midnight sun, dog sledding, and polar night. Start your meal with fiskesuppe (fish soup), and for the main course, go for whale steak, famously served in the city.

Rovaniemi, Finland

For families and lovers of Christmas, Rovaniemi, the official hometown of Santa Claus, remains one of Europe’s best places to visit in December. You can go to the North Pole, ride with Dasher, Dancer, etc., and taste dishes such as poronkäristys (reindeer steak) 

Cultural Capitals

From its prosperity in the Renaissance period to modernity’s weaving culture, Europe presents a perfect setting for those searching for an enriching experience or inventive art in the dead of winter.

Vienna, Austria

Vienna, the capital of Austria, is at its most beautiful at the end of December. You will witness snowy Christmas markets, art galleries, and royal palaces. Go to a formal concert at the Musikverein, eat a slice of Sachertorte in a vintage café, and walk around the streets, which are beautifully decorated during this period.

Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, also features countless festivities during the winter session, particularly the Hogmanay. Discover the strongholds of Edinburgh Castle and try Scottish whisky before a New Year’s Eve torchlight procession.

Hidden Gems

Although there are many favorite travel destinations, some of the best places to travel in Europe in December could be more exciting and touristy.

Brasov, Romania

This city is situated in Transylvania and secured by the Carpathian Mountains; here, tourists can enjoy medieval architecture, skiing, and vampire activity. It would be a good idea to take a trip to the famous Bran Castle, aka Dracula’s Castle, and deliciously warm up with ciorba de facile in Paine—a bean soup eaten right from a loaf of bread.

Bruges, Belgium

Known as the ‘Venice of the North, ’ Bruges is a medieval city that becomes even more attractive during December. Sail on the locks, hike the Belfry Tower, and feast on chocolates and waffles.

Conclusions about Best Places to Travel in Europe in December

Thus, the best places to travel in Europe in December are incredibly diverse and can offer everything for tourists, including natural snow, Christmas markets, history, and gastronomy. Depending on what kind of traveler you are, whether it be the adrenaline junkie looking for the mountains to ski during the winter or the romantic traveler looking for the romanticism of the Northern lights, or the warm traveler who would want to feel the sweat of the southern sun, Europe has it all for the winter traveler. So that was all about Best Places to Travel in Europe in December.

Best Places to Travel in Europe in December

FAQs about Best Places to Travel in Europe in December

Is there anything to do, and are the city’s museums and attractions open in December?

Many of the attractions stay open, and sometimes there will be holiday-specific displays or performances. However, some of them can be open for a shorter time or even closed during particular holidays, so it is recommended to call beforehand.

It is possible, indeed, to have fun and do outdoor activities during December in the countries located in Southern Europe?

Absolutely. It should be noted that it is not really beach weather. However, destinations such as Seville or Malta will have pleasant enough temperatures to allow visitors to do a lot of sightseeing and outdoor activities.

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